Eminence Skin Care
Eminence skin care products are made exclusively from organic ingredients such as spices, plants containing skin-friendly substances and fruit. According to Eminence's website, they only use ingredients grown on farms from all over the world, which are hand-picked so each organic item can be thoroughly inspected. These lotions, cleansers and creams are so natural that many of them contain the pulp and seeds of the fruit used in making the product.

Integrating a form of what the company called "Biodynamic" farming, Eminence skin care products provide holistic applications that contain no synthetic chemicals or any evidence of genetic modification.
In addition, Eminence states that "seeds are planted and crops are harvested following the lunar cycle so that when the tides are high, roots receive the most moisture and goodness". Instead of spraying crops with irritating pesticides, biodynamic farming uses herbs and bee honey traps to naturally repel destructive insects.
Eminence Anti-Aging Skin Care Products
Blueberry Detox Firming Peel
As an exfoliator meant for all skin types, the Blueberry Detox Firming Peel contains ingredients such as:
- Blueberry, blackberry and raspberry juice--Rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, these astringents minimize large pores by effectively shrinking and tightening them.
- Paprika-- This spice stimulates skin cells and revitalizes skin tone.
- Grape extract--This fruit extract inhibits pigmentation or discoloration while it hydrates and eliminates free radicals.
- Lactic acid--This helps exfoliate dead skin cells that cause skin to appear lifeless and gray.
- Biocomplex™-- This provides antioxidant enhancement for vitamin C, A, E and alpha lipoic acid.
- Average price is $40
Eight Greens Youth Serum
A powerful serum containing concentrated amounts of antioxidants meant for improving oily or dehydrated skin. Ingredients include:
- Yucca plant extract--It contains antioxidants and beneficial phytoestrogens for skin affected by menopausal hormonal changes.
- Linseed/Flaxseed extract--It nourishes skin with antioxidants and moisturizing omega-3 acids.
- It also contains Biocomplex.™
- Average selling price is $48
Be aware that Eminence suggests those suffering from rosacea avoid using certain anti-aging products.
Eminence Skin Care Moisturizers
Calm Skin Chamomile Moisturizer is a relatively new product containing:
- Chamomile tea--It regulates production of oil while regenerating lifeless skin.
- Calendula oil and rosemary--These help heal blemishes and dermatitis patches due to its antiseptic and antioxidant properties.
- Shea butter--This provides moisturizing omega 3 fatty acids and triglycerides.
- Sunflower oil--This enriches skin with anti-inflammatory ingredients along with vitamin E, D and A.
- Aloe vera juice--This soothes dry skin by effectively hydrating and reducing signs of premature aging caused by overexposure to sunlight.
- Most Eminence moisturizing products are priced around $35.
Eminence Skin Care Products for Acne
Acne is a disfiguring and painful skin condition affecting millions of people who have tried everything from changing their diet to cortisone injections. By using organic ingredients, Eminence has produced a line of acne-fighting creams and masques that may provide relief from acne without the severe drying effects caused by pharmaceutical topical agents.
Clear Skin Probiotic Masque
For oily to normal skin affected by acne or acute outbreaks of blemishes, Clear Skin Probiotic Masque contains:
- Yogurt--A natural exfoliator provides lactic acid for skin nourishment and hydration.
- Kaolin clay--This effectively extracts impurities deeply imbedded in blemished skin.
- Marigold--This disinfects and soothes irritated skin.
- Stone Crop--This plant produces an anti-inflammatory property that also reduces skin discoloration.
- Tea tree oil--This is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory oil.
- Acne medications are priced around $60
For Overnight Skin Care
Wearing an Eminence skin care product especially made for overnight use can rejuvenate and refresh skin while you sleep.
Mango Night Cream
- Mango Juice--This contains rich amounts of vitamin A and antioxidants that hydrate while leaving pores unclogged.
- Coconut milk--This is a natural softener and moisturizer.
- Grape seed oil--This provides skin-enhancing bioflavonoids and antioxidants.
- Homeostatine--This is made from Tara tree and algae, Homeostatine prevents problematic dry skin patches and reduces wrinkle severity.
Eminence skin care products also offer organic cleansers, exfoliants, lotions for lip and eye care, cosmetics made with only natural ingredients as well as products made to minimize the redness and irritation of rosacea.
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